Welcome To

    At Pika Sushi, we believe in preparing authentic and delicious meals using only the freshest Aingredients sourced from our local suppliers. Our attention to detail ensures that every dish is of the highest quality, striking a delicate balance between flavours. The team behind Pika Sushi have ample experience in the hospitality industry and we’re excited to be serving you the best Japanese cuisine in Gippsland.

    Pika Sushi Warragul

    Lunch time: 11:00am - 03:00pm

    Open today: 05:00pm - 08:00pm

    We are CLOSED for pick-up.

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    About Us

    At Pika Sushi, we believe in preparing authentic and delicious meals using only the freshest ingredients sourced from our local suppliers. Our attention to detail ensures that every dish is of the highest quality, striking a delicate balance between flavours. The team behind Pika Sushi have ample experience in the hospitality industry and we’re excited to be serving you the best Japanese cuisine in Gippsland..